Functional description

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Functional description

The drilling device model is a simple drilling device that enables the automatic clamping and drilling of workpieces. After pressing the start button, cylinder A first clamps the workpiece. After clamping the workpiece, the drive motor M1 of the drilling machine is switched on and the machine is then moved into the workpiece via cylinder B. After the drilling process is complete, cylinder B retracts first and then cylinder A retracts again after the motor is switched off.



Input/output assignment

The inputs and outputs of the model are assigned as follows (the designation input or output refers to the connected control unit)

refers to the connected control unit):


Input no.                Name        TwinCat variable name        Description

1                        S1                I_S1                                        Start button (NO contact)
2                        B1                I_B1                                        Limit switch cylinder 1 retracted (NO contact)

3                        B2                I_B2                                        Limit switch cylinder 1 extended (NO contact)

4                        B3                I_B3                                        Limit switch cylinder 2 retracted (NO contact)

4                        B4                I_B4                                        Cylinder 2 limit switch extended (NO contact)


Output no.                Name        TwinCat variable name        Description

1                        Y1                O_Y1                                        Cylinder 1 extended

2                        Y2                O_Y2                                Retract cylinder 1

3                        Y3                O_Y3                                        Extend cylinder 2

4                        Y4                O_Y4                                Retract cylinder 2

5                        M1                O_M1                                Motor drill